37 research outputs found

    Physically-Based Droplet Interaction

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    In this paper we present a physically-based model for simulating realistic interactions between liquid droplets in an efficient manner. Our particle-based system recreates the coalescence, separation and fragmentation interactions that occur between colliding liquid droplets and allows systems of droplets to be meaningfully repre- sented by an equivalent number of simulated particles. By consid- ering the interactions specific to liquid droplet phenomena directly, we display novel levels of detail that cannot be captured using other interaction models at a similar scale. Our work combines experi- mentally validated components, originating in engineering, with a collection of novel modifications to create a particle-based interac- tion model for use in the development of mid-to-large scale droplet- based liquid spray effects. We demonstrate this model, alongside a size-dependent drag force, as an extension to a commonly-used ballistic particle system and show how the introduction of these interactions improves the quality and variety of results possible in recreating liquid droplets and sprays, even using these otherwise simple systems

    Modulating the Folding Landscape of Superoxide Dismutase 1 with Targeted Molecular Binders

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease, is characterized by motor neuron death with average survival times of 2 ‐ 5 years. One cause of this disease is the misfolding of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), a protein whose stability and aggregation propensity are affected by point mutations spanning the protein. Here, we use an epitope‐specific, high‐throughput screen to identify peptides that both stabilize the native conformation of SOD1 as well as accelerate its folding by 2.5‐fold. Ligands targeted to the electrostatic loop on the periphery of the protein tightened the non‐metalated structure and accelerated its folding. This strategy may be useful for fundamental studies of protein energy landscapes as well as designing new classes of therapeutics

    An Allosteric Inhibitor of KRas Identified Using a Barcoded Rapid Assay Microchip Platform

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    Protein catalyzed capture agents (PCCs) are synthetic antibody surrogates that can target a wide variety of biologically relevant proteins. As a step toward developing a high-throughput PCC pipeline, we report on the preparation of a barcoded rapid assay platform for the analysis of hits from PCC library screens. The platform is constructed by first surface patterning a micrometer scale barcode composed of orthogonal ssDNA strands onto a glass slide. The slide is then partitioned into microwells, each of which contains multiple copies of the full barcode. Biotinylated candidate PCCs from a click screen are assembled onto the barcode stripes using a complementary ssDNA-encoded cysteine-modified streptavidin library. This platform was employed to evaluate candidate PCC ligands identified from an epitope targeted in situ click screen against the two conserved allosteric switch regions of the Kirsten rat sarcoma (KRas) protein. A single microchip was utilized for the simultaneous evaluation of 15 PCC candidate fractions under more than a dozen different assay conditions. The platform also permitted more than a 10-fold savings in time and a more than 100-fold reduction in biological and chemical reagents relative to traditional multiwell plate assays. The best ligand was shown to exhibit an in vitro inhibition constant (IC_(50)) of ∼24 μM

    An Allosteric Inhibitor of KRas Identified Using a Barcoded Rapid Assay Microchip Platform

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    Protein catalyzed capture agents (PCCs) are synthetic antibody surrogates that can target a wide variety of biologically relevant proteins. As a step toward developing a high-throughput PCC pipeline, we report on the preparation of a barcoded rapid assay platform for the analysis of hits from PCC library screens. The platform is constructed by first surface patterning a micrometer scale barcode composed of orthogonal ssDNA strands onto a glass slide. The slide is then partitioned into microwells, each of which contains multiple copies of the full barcode. Biotinylated candidate PCCs from a click screen are assembled onto the barcode stripes using a complementary ssDNA-encoded cysteine-modified streptavidin library. This platform was employed to evaluate candidate PCC ligands identified from an epitope targeted in situ click screen against the two conserved allosteric switch regions of the Kirsten rat sarcoma (KRas) protein. A single microchip was utilized for the simultaneous evaluation of 15 PCC candidate fractions under more than a dozen different assay conditions. The platform also permitted more than a 10-fold savings in time and a more than 100-fold reduction in biological and chemical reagents relative to traditional multiwell plate assays. The best ligand was shown to exhibit an in vitro inhibition constant (IC_(50)) of ∼24 μM

    Assessing the Use of Artificial Hibernacula by the Great Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus) and Smooth Newt (Lissotriton vulgaris) in Cold Climate in Southeast Norway

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    Construction of artificial overwintering habitats, hibernacula, or newt hotels, is an important mitigation measure for newt populations in urban and agricultural areas. We have monitored the use of four artificial hotels built in September 2011 close to a 6000 m2 breeding pond in Norway. The four hotels ranged from 1.6 to 12.4 m3 and were located from 5 to 40 m from the breeding pond. In 2013–2015, 57 Great Crested Newts (Triturus cristatus) and 413 Smooth Newts (Lissotriton vulgaris) spent the winter in the hotels. The proportions of juveniles were 75% and 62%, respectively, and the hotels may be important to secure recruitment. Knowledge on emigration routes and habitat quality for summer use and winter hibernation is important to find good locations for newt hotels. The study documented that newts may survive a minimum temperature of −6.7 °C. We recommend that newt hotels in areas with harsh climate are dug into the ground in slopes to reduce low-temperature exposure during winter

    Mjøsens fisker og fiskerier gjennom 100 år

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    Hartvig Huitfeldt-Kaas var en av pionerene innen norsk fiskebiologi, og beskrev fisk og fiskerier i Mjøsa for hundre år siden. Vi ønsker å bruke hundreårsjubileet til å se nærmere på hvordan forholdene har endret seg gjennom denne perioden, og sette et søkelys på behovet for mer informasjon om fiskeforholdene i Norges største innsjø. Med sine 20 fiskearter er Mjøsa en av de mest artsrike innsjøene i landet, og Huitfeldt-Kaas fokuserte i sine studier på mangfoldet av fiskearter, ikke bare de økonomisk viktige artene som lagesild, sik og ørret. Det har vært store endringer både i fiskesamfunnet og i bruken av fiskeressursene i løpet av de siste 100 år. På Huitfeldt-Kaas’ tid var Mjøsa et viktig spiskammer, og fiskebestandene skapte levebrød og inntekt for mange mennesker rundt innsjøen. Dette holdt seg fram mot 2. verdenskrig, men sammen med velstandsutviklingen fra 1950- og -60-årene avtok fisket til næring og husbehov, og fritidsfisket tok over. Vannkraftutbygging, forurensing og utbygginger av veg og jernbane har påvirket fiskesamfunnet i Mjøsa. Mjøsaksjonen ryddet opp i mange av problemene og forbedret den økologiske tilstanden. I dag brukes Mjøsa til rekreasjon og fritidsfiske. Næringsfiske betyr i dag lite, men dette kan endre seg i framtiden